Dataset collected in 2010 using distance sampling methods to calculate the population density of titi monkeys (Plecturocebus discolor, formerly Callicebus discolor) around Estación Científica Yasuní (ECY) in the Ecuadorian Amazon (-0.67S, -76.40W).
Census data included as a CSV file, and information on dataset included in a README file. Dataset consists of titi monkey loud chorus responses to 68 playbacks of a loud chorus around the trail system of ECY.
Population density estimated using using Distance 6.0 with a hazard-rate key function and two cosine adjustments. Population density is estimated as 8.7±SE1.4 groups per km2, with a 95% confidence interval of 6 – 12 groups.
Data used in:
S Papworth (2012) Small scale human-primate behavioural interactions in Amazonian Ecuador. PhD thesis, Imperial College London (
A Salcedo, M Mejia, K Slocombe, S Papworth (2014) Two case studies using playbacks to census neotropical primates: Callicebus discolor and Alouatta palliata. Neotropical Primates 21(2): 201-204 (
Natural Environment Research Council and Economical and Social Research Council interdisciplinary studentship 2008-2012.