Accompanying data for 'Information about conservation status is more important than species appearance in species preferences of potential conservation donors'.
Data and experimental design which accompany the publication Papworth and Curtin (2022) Information about conservation status is more important than species appearance in species preferences of potential conservation donors. Environmental Conservation.
A total of seven files. Two files of source data for " Information about conservation status is more important than species appearance in species preferences of potential conservation donors" (‘DCE results experiment 1.csv’, ‘DCE results experiment 2.csv’). Also included are the three experimental designs required to analyse the surveys in the R package 'support.CEs' (Design experiment 1.csv’, ‘Design experiment 2 imaginary animals.csv’, ‘Design experiment 2 real animals.csv’). Properties of the datasets and experimental design files are described in 'Properties of experiment 1 design and data.txt' and 'Properties of experiment 2 design and data.txt'.